Cardiovascular disease: Heart failure

Elevated blood sugar levels doubles the risk of cardiovascular diseases.1

The most frequent and classic types of Cardiovascular Diseases associated with diabetes are heart failure, coronary heart disease (Myocardial infarction/heart attack), stroke and peripheral artery disease (disease of the arteries of the lower limbs).

heart failure and diabetes

Heart failure is a disease in which the heart cannot efficiently pump blood into the lungs and other tissues. Therefore, the oxygen necessary for the normal functioning of the body is not obtained.

In heart failure, the most frequent signs and symptoms can be: fluid retention in the legs and feet and breathlessness. On the other hand, the heart fails to pump blood to the whole body, causing a drop in blood pressure, lowering the blood supply of vital organs, and losing strength and weight. There are many causes of heart failure, within which are coronary artery disease, heart valve diseases, hypertension and diabetes. 2,3

The risk of Cardiovascular diseases for people with diabetes canbe reduced by lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels,as well as controlling blood cholesterol levels .

*Always talk to your doctor who can help you find the right diabetes treatment plan for your lifestyle


  1. DIABETES IDF ATLAS. Ninth edition 2019.
  2. Mayo Clinic. Heart failure. Available online at: syc-20373142. Last accessed August 25 2020
  3. American Heart Association. Causes of heart failure. Available from:

Accessed 18 September 2020.

23 April 2021

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