Frequently asked questions for a healthier you
1. There are so many diet approaches available — I have heard about the low GI and low fat diet, low carb high fat or banting diet and Mediterranean diet approaches. I am so confused as to what approach to follow.
Through the internet and social media, we are faced and confronted with so much information — often conflicting and anecdotal, but most of the time, not scientifically based. It is important to try and see a registered dietician who could put all of this in perspective, backed up by scientifically based evidence. It is important to make an informed decision, as agreed with between yourself and your dietician. It might be harmful and dangerous to follow, and combine, principles of different diet approaches. For example, if you follow the high fat principle of banting, but also consume carbohydrates (even though low GI), this can result in a ‘diet’ not working for you in terms of weight and health management. Also, if you are taking certain medications and injections (for diabetes), that due to its mechanism of action, can increase your risk for low blood sugar episodes (hypoglycaemia) and combine that with a cold turkey ‘low carb’ approach, it can potentially cause very dangerously low blood sugar levels. Whichever approach you decide to follow, please check it with your dietician, doctor and diabetes educator in order to be informed as to how to implement it, especially when taking certain medications and injections.