Why is your diet important for your kidneys?
To understand the role of the diet in kidney disease, you need to know the functions of the kidney.
- The kidneys’ main function is to save and regulate nutrients and
- The kidneys “clean the blood”, keeping the parts of the blood at a constant normal Waste products and extra fluid are removed in the urine.
- Kidneys help control blood pressure and are the main source of a substance essential for red blood cell production to prevent
- Kidneys help keep your bones
So, as the kidneys slow down, your diet can help control the problems cause by kidney disease. Most of the waste and extra fluids in your blood come from the food you eat. By controlling the types of food you eat and how much you drink, you can reduce waste and fluid build-up in the blood.
Taking care of your diet in the early stages of renal disease can slow the progression of the disease. A dietitian can help you manage your diet, both before you need dialysis and once you begin dialysis.