Why we don’t exercise
We live in an age of quick fixes, rapid results and instant gratification, where time equals money.
So it seems that many people consider that exercise requires too much time, money and gruelling workouts with slow results, with other “magic bullets” promising instant results. Although incorrect, these might be barriers to exercise for some.
Here are some other barriers - tick those that apply to you. Perhaps you:
- Lack time in your day
- Are too busy and stressed to add extra things in your day
- Think physical activity is boring
- Don’t know how to exercise
- Think you are too old
- Fear injury and already have some aches and pains
- Think exercise is going to be a costly activity
- Had a bad experience with exercise in your past
- Don’t like to sweat and feel breathless
- Don’t know who can join you
Although these barriers might appear insurmountable, they can be resolved if you really put your mind to it!