
Being diagnosed with any cardiovascular disease, renal disease or diabetes can be hugely traumatic for the patient, as well as their family. With the right support, people can learn to cope with their condition through assistance with disease education, product and reimbursement support.

Expert Support Panel

Because cardiovascular disease, renal diseases and diabetes are interconnected, we believe that our approach to their diagnosis and treatment should be too.

That’s why we’ve assembled a panel of experts within interconnected fields to give patients and the public all of the education, shared knowledge and support they need.

Through our combined expertise across exercise, diet and disease related areas, we can provide a wide variety of assistance through articles, podcasts, videos and dedicated Q&A support – all across a variety of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even right here on our site.


Andrew Heilbrunn

Diabetes Educator | Head Biokineticist at the Norwood Sports Medicine Institute
Andrew Heilbrunn

Since qualifying with an Honours degree in Human Movement Sciences from Wits University and then an Honours degree in Biokinetics from the University of Pretoria in 1993, I have been the head Biokineticist at the Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology for the last 25 years.

I have been privileged to present lectures both nationally and internationally on the benefits of
exercise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity and osteoporosis. I have authored numerous exercise related articles in medical and patient journals, including the current exercise and diabetes guidelines for the Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes South Africa (SEMDSA).

I have always enjoyed playing sports including football, cricket, rugby, squash and golf, and I now enjoy mountain biking on the weekends. I am also an avid sports fan, and for recreation I love to watch my 15-year-old twin daughters dance, act and sing.

My passion throughout my career has always been to motivate people with various pathologies to take up some form of regular activity as their treatment foundation, because the benefits of regular activity are significant.

Chrystal Slater

Diabetes Educator | Registered Dietitian
Chrystal Slater

Chrystal Slater is a registered dietician with a special interest in diabetes.

Her 10 years’ experience in a diabetes focused pharmaceutical environment has led her to practise as both a dietician and registered diabetes educator for the past 3 years.

This allows her to assist patients with diabetes therapy and lifestyle education. She has a passion to help patients with diabetes improve their blood sugar levels and achieve individual lifestyle goals such as weight management.

Dr Julien Trokis

Dr Julien Trokis

Dr Julien Trokis is a diabetologist, in practice at the Diabetes Care Centre, Cape Gate. He has a busy CDE diabetes clinic, and also runs a large clinical trial centre.

He has been an investigator in over 80 clinical trials, and has been principal investigator in about 40 clinical trials.

He has a special interest in diabetic kidney disease, and is currently national principal investigator for South Africa in a large international clinical trial in diabetic kidney disease. He currently serves as a member of the independent data monitoring committee on a multinational clinical trial.

He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and has given talks both nationally, as well as
internationally. He has also taught part time in the Department of Medicine, UCT at Victoria Hospital.



The panellists are experts in their profession as per the biographies provide for them. The content they provide within the yes2life website and affiliated social media platforms are purely for educational purposes and not to reflect the advice or views/opinion of the AstraZeneca group. The contents/advice on any of the yes2life platforms are not intended as medical advice nor shall it be treated to override the advice of your health care provider.

Questions raised on any yes2life platforms will be responded to generally and does not account for any individual circumstances and as such, cannot replace an individualised treatment plan by a physician. Yes2life platform is not intended to provide any medical advice pertaining to a platform users and any medical advice sought should be directed to the platform users treating physician.


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